The Importance of Empowering Our Daughters Against Media Stereotypes to Boost Self-Acceptance

The Importance of Empowering Our Daughters Against Media Stereotypes to Boost Self-Acceptance

Hey Corage Crew! Happy Women’s History Month! We’re so excited to celebrate this glorious month with all of you. As we pay homage to the heroines of the past, we are also taking the time to champion and empower our future by discussing a topic that is near and dear to our heart, supporting Black girls’ to love and value themselves.

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Harnessing the Power of Black Stories: Empowering Communities Amidst a Changing Landscape

Harnessing the Power of Black Stories: Empowering Communities Amidst a Changing Landscape

It's Black History Month, and it's time to celebrate Black excellence! And what better way than to reflect on the power of Black voices and storytelling that have historically been a tool of empowerment for us all, especially during unprecedented times.


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From Childhood to Confidence: The Significance of Black Dolls in Identity Development

From Childhood to Confidence: The Significance of Black Dolls in Identity Development

What happens when none of the dolls look like you? While Black dolls have since drastically expanded, there still lies a gap in representation overall, with mainstream dolls failing to reflect the diversity of the real world. This lack continues to reinforce narrow beauty standards, leaving Black girls feeling excluded, sending a subtle yet harmful message about who’s valued and celebrated.

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