The Impact of Corage Dolls’ Cultivate Courage Give-Black Initiative
The Impact of Corage Dolls’ Cultivate Courage Give-Black Initiative
Today when social ills and political conflict can feel all encompassing, Corage Dolls aims to be a beacon of hope and inspiration for Black communities, particularly Black girls and women. Our products are created to reflect our stories, reminding us all that we are worthy to be seen, loved, and empowered. Since the onset of our company, we’ve prioritized action in alignment with our values and mission, which underscores the efforts of our Cultivate Courage Give-Black Initiative.
Considering the impact of systemic racism that has historically hindered the progression of Black communities, our Cultivate Courage Initiative was born as a response to the suffering Black people experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic coupled with the death of George Floyd, Jr., at the hands of Minneapolis, MN., police. During such an unprecedented time that shook the world at its core, Black families, businesses, and communities faced what felt like a pandemic within a pandemic.
There was a call to act for change across business, education, healthcare, and social justice. Consequently, in an effort to “do the work”, we partnered with a Black woman designer to develop our signature Cultivate Courage collection, donating all proceeds to support the work of Black non-profit organizations addressing crucial needs in the Black community.
Corage Doll’s Cultivate Courage efforts to advance Black communities
In 2024, with the help of our community, Corage Dolls is proud to have raised nearly $400 through our Cultivate Courage sales. These funds have been donated to several organizations across food scarcity, mental health, social justice, and beyond.
Funding recipients to date include:
Until Freedom: Advocating for justice and systemic change for marginalized communities.
Loveland Foundation: Providing therapy and mental health support for Black girls and women.
Him & Me Experience: Strengthening bonds between Black fathers and daughters.
Black Girls Smile: Promoting mental health awareness and resources for Black girls.
National Black Child Development Institute: Supporting early childhood education and family engagement.
Girls Going Global: Empowering young Black girls to explore the world and embrace global citizenship.
Continuing the Impact of Cultivate Courage
As we build on the success of our previous efforts, we are committed to supporting existing organizations, rotating our donations quarterly to ensure each one receives the attention it deserves. This year, we are launching this initiative with Black Girls Smile, Inc. with 10% of all Cultivate Courage sales being donated to advance its work to empower Black girls and women to take charge of their mental health.
The barriers that Black girls and youth face in accessing mental healthcare are significant. Issues, such as racial discrimination and a lack of culturally sensitive care, often block their paths to seeking help. Furthermore, cultural stigmas add another layer of complexity, making it harder for them to pursue necessary support. Many Black youth navigate unique pressures, including racial trauma and societal expectations, which can contribute to rising levels of anxiety and depression.
We believe that advocating for equitable access to mental health resources that recognize and address these specific challenges is important. Investing in community programs and enhancing representation among mental health professionals can cultivate a nurturing environment where Black children can thrive and unlock their full potential. As it stands, mental health concerns are frequently overlooked in communities of color, and Black Girls Smile is a crucial ally in dismantling this stigma, offering education, resources, and essential support. Together, we can make a profound difference in their lives.
Each purchase will help them continue their important work and reach even more girls who need help.
With support from Black Girls Smile, Inc., we hope to:
Increase access to mental health resources: Many of the funded organizations provide therapy, workshops, and mental health education, breaking down barriers that Black girls often face when seeking care.
Expand educational opportunities: From early childhood programs to global exploration initiatives, these organizations are opening doors for Black girls and empowering them to dream bigger.
Strengthen community ties: The initiative fosters stronger family relationships and bonds through programs like Him & Me Experience.
Join the Corage Doll’s movement
As we continue this journey in 2025, we invite you to join us. Our Cultivate Courage Initiative is a collective effort. When each of us stands together, we are actively contributing to a future where Black communities have the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to succeed. Moving forward, we’d love to see you continue supporting our initiative. Together, we can continue to empower Black women and help them cultivate the courage to take on the world.
To learn more about the initiative and shop for a cause, visit Corage Dolls. Let’s keep cultivating courage, one girl, one woman, one doll, one step at a time.