3 Nostalgic Thanksgiving Ideas for Millennial Parents and Kids
3 Nostalgic Thanksgiving Ideas for Millennial Parents and Kids
Hi Millennials parents!
Remember the smell of mac and cheese bubbling on the stove, the sound of music in the background, and the laughter of family filling the house during Thanksgiving? Those were the days, right? The moments that made the holidays so special growing up. It was more about food; they were full of love and warmth. It was a time you always looked forward to. As millennial parents, we get the chance to create similar warm, nostalgic moments with our kids.
Thanksgiving is all about family, traditions, and creating those unforgettable moments. It’s our chance to mix the best of what we loved growing up with fun, new ways to connect with our kids, making sure they feel loved, valued, and part of something special. So, if you’re ready to dive into some feel-good family bonding, here are three nostalgic ideas to help you celebrate the holiday.
1. Cook Together
Remember when you’d sneak into the kitchen to see what mum was cooking? You’d stand there, watching in awe, as she moved effortlessly around the kitchen, whipping up magic. Now, it’s your turn to pass those soul food recipes down to the next generation. This strengthens the bond and provides an opportunity for them to learn and appreciate culture and tradition.
Instead of keeping the kitchen off-limits, let your kids join in on the action. Instead of keeping the kitchen off-limits, invite them in! Let them get their hands messy, stirring the pot or seasoning the food—whatever makes them feel like a part of the process. This small act creates the kind of memories that stick. You could start a Family Recipe Book together to make it extra fun. Let your kids help jot down each recipe, drawing little illustrations or sharing their twists on some dishes.
Aaliyah Doll could be an excellent addition. Your child can bring Aaliyah as their “helper” in the kitchen! Let her sit nearby as you cook, or even have her “assist” with a mixing spoon or napkin. This little companion can make your child feel more included and excited to be part of the cooking process.
2. Share Family Stories and Photos
What’s Thanksgiving without sharing family stories? You know, the ones where someone pulls out the old photo albums and starts reminiscing about “back in the day.” For your kids, those stories can help them understand their history and feel more connected to the people they love.
One way to spice this up is to set up a Thanksgiving Memory Wall in your home. You can pull out some old family photos from previous Thanksgivings and tape them up where everyone can see them. You can add new pictures of this year’s celebration, making it a living, growing display of your family’s history. As you go through the photos with your kids, tell them the story behind each picture.
The Aaliyah Pin can also add a special touch here. You could pin it near the family photo collection. It’s a small symbol that can bring up stories of strength, courage, and family values, perfect for connecting the generations.
3. Give Back
One thing that’s always been important, especially around Thanksgiving, is the idea of community. It’s not just about family but also about giving back to those around us. Many of us remember helping our parents pack extra plates of food or hearing about volunteering at a local shelter.
This year, get your kids involved. Whether it’s delivering food to a neighbor or helping out at a community event, you can teach them the joy of giving.
Want to add a bit of fun? Carrying the Cultivate Courage Tote bags would be perfect for your family to fill with non-perishable items, a warm blanket, or goodies for neighbors or those in need. Your kids could also rock their favorite Cultivate Courage T-Shirts.
Bringing It All Together
Thanksgiving is more than just a meal; it’s about creating memories, celebrating traditions, and finding ways to make the holiday special for the next generation. As millennial parents, we can blend the nostalgic moments we hold dear with new traditions that reflect who we are today.
A few notable items from the Corage Doll collection can turn these simple moments into lasting memories this Thanksgiving. Whether your child has the Aaliyah Doll by their side while cooking, finds comfort in a favorite song from the Corage Cards, gets excited about filling the Cultivate Courage Tote or rocking their favorite Cultivate Courage shirt, these products can add extra joy and meaning to your family traditions.
Add even more joy this holiday with Corage Cards: Music & Moods Edition.